About Us



Dreamland School was established on 15th January,1973 by Mr. Biswanath Chatterjee who dreamt of an institution that could combine the concept of secularism and motivation to excel and become independent in all respects.Theschoolgot affiiation in 1987 from the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi and since then the history of the school has been that of only success and achievement since its inception. In 1999 the school was given affiliation for ISC (Classes XI and XII) by the C.I.S.C.E, New Delhi.Walking in the footsteps of our founder, Mr. Indranil Chatterjee his son who is the present principal is carrying forward the legacy whose tireless efforts for the betterment of the school is commendable.


It is with immense pleasure that I welcome you to our school. School is considered to be the temple of education, and I am priviledged to be a part of this temple. It is really wonderful to see the sparking eyes of students with full of energy and enthusiasm every day. The Motto of our school is to provide the best possible education to our students with as much love and care as possible. We are strict about the discipline of the school and it is our job to build up the sense of morality and self discipline in every student. We the teachers, students and parent’s work together here as a family, understanding and sharing each other’s happiness, problems and limitations. We have included the parents in our family of Dreamland School so that there will be hearty coordination between the school and the developments of the students.

Year after year, our Principal Sir is working hard to enhance the standard of the school and provide the modern amenities and teaching facilities for the benefit of the students. We have set up audio-visual teaching aids in all the subjects to make learning more interesting and effective to the students. Our Principal Sir, I and all teachers are always open to all kinds of approaches from the guardians and students, and we consider it as our responsibility to solve every body’s problem to the best of our ability.

Mrs. Chandrani Chatterjee (Headmistress)


Dreamland School empowers every child to develop their best potential. we try to create a school atmosphere driven by technology and pursuit of intellect where the values of discipline, love, freedom, sincerity and justice are experienced .we train minds stressing on educational excellence and also we try to inculcate moral ethics.Our goal is to form educated women and men, cater to the needs of the world, with the intellect which gives them power and wisdom in their actions.

The teachers strive to help each student not only to realize their own potential but also to develop them as a responsibleindividual of the greater community. The teachers enlighten the students on the qualities of personality development and nurtures the all round development of students., we believe all educators help foster civic virtues such as integrity, diligence, responsibility, cooperation, loyalty, concern for the less privileged and respect- for the law, for human life, for others and for self.Our school acknowledges that quality education is the common goal of the Management ,Staffs and Parents, and that a cooperative effort is pivotal to attain that goal.The concern of the school is the care, welfare and safety of the children entrusted to our care.