April 26, 2022 / 0
Class Teachers -The class teachers of the classes are like the true parents of the students in the school. The Principal acts through the Coordinators of the school. In any matter like attendance, misbehavior, negligence, appreciation, sports, function, guardian call, performance in exams, etc. the Principal will consult the class teachers. Finally, the Principal will pass the final judgment after hearing all the parties. The class teacher gives and maintains the school Diary of every student in the class.
School coordinators– There are three coordinators in the Middle School and three coordinators in the High School. These Coordinators, in consultation with the Principal, implement the task and supervise the academic affairs as well as the other school-related matters. The different subject teachers are answerable to the coordinators so far as the teaching-related matters of different classes are concerned. The guardians will consult the coordinators if they find any problem in the school. The teachers also, for any personal problem, will consult the coordinators. The principal is regularly briefed by the school coordinators on all school-related issues.